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The 2024 Get Up Alex To World Tour — Wuxi Show2024起來GET UP杜德偉alex to巡回演唱會——無錫站
09.15 2024 07:30 pm 無錫 無錫市 | 無錫體育中心體育館
[Ended / 已結束]
2024起來GET UP杜德偉alex to巡回演唱會——無錫站

出道40余載,杜德偉跨越了華語樂壇最輝煌的時代,也代表了那個年代最前衛的音樂。他是《披荊斬棘2》的熱血哥哥,也是Billboard Radio「Icon Awards」首位獲獎中國歌手,他的出現開創了「Yellow Soul」中國靈魂樂的先河,因此樂壇對杜德偉也有了這樣的評價——「沒有杜德偉,華語樂壇就沒有R&B」。


而越是經典的歌者,越不屑於賣弄情懷,「就算繼續唱老歌也一樣能表演,但是我不想虛度光陰,只要活著就要繼續做新的音樂」,這次演唱會的歌單裏不僅有耳熟能詳的「杜氏情歌」,還有《快樂快燒壞》、《起來》等勁爆歌曲等著你一起來嗨!他將人生閱歷放進歌裏,傳達「走出舒適圈,Get Up起來」的生活態度,讓歌迷感受他不變的音樂初心和靈魂深處的音樂力量。



2024 Get Up Alex To World Tour — Wuxi

On Sunday, September 15th, get ready to "shake off" the restraints and get up for an exhilarating experience!
On stage, he is the king of live performances, delivering electrifying songs and dances for over 40 years.
In his voice, he is the ultimate gentleman, a perfect romantic.
Music, dance, excitement, romance, and style...

All this and more await you at Alex To's "Get Up" World Tour — Wuxi

With over 40 years in the industry, Alex To has spanned the most glorious era of Chinese pop music, representing the cutting edge of that time. He is a passionate brother from "Call Me By Fire 2" and the first Chinese singer to win the Billboard Radio "Icon Awards." He pioneered "Yellow Soul," opening the door to Chinese soul music, earning him the accolade: "Without Alex To, there would be no R&B in Chinese pop music."

He emerged from the golden era of records, leaving a song in everyone’s memories. Whether it's the wild freedom of Take It Off, the sweet allure of Lover, or the heartfelt sincerity of Unintentional Harm, Alex To's sultry voice effortlessly evokes nostalgia, bringing back memories and even bringing tears to your eyes.

Yet, the more iconic the artist, the less they dwell on the past. "I could keep performing old songs, but I don't want to waste time. As long as I'm alive, I will continue making new music." This concert’s setlist features not only the familiar "Alex To love songs," but also explosive hits like Burn It Up and Get Up, inviting you to party along! He infuses his life experiences into his music, conveying a message of "stepping out of your comfort zone, get up!" Letting fans feel his unwavering passion for music and the soul-deep power that it carries.

From a musical rebel to an evergreen icon, Alex To’s passion for music never fades, and he always presents his best on stage. Beyond meticulously curated songs, he personally participates in every detail of the show. Bold breakthroughs in stage design and costumes aim to give the audience an unparalleled audiovisual experience. He promises that the performance will be worth every penny, leaving you satisfied and wanting more.

With a brand-new stage visual and a luxurious music feast, the grand concert is set to take place at Wuxi Sports Center on September 15, 2024! Invite the most important person in your heart to join you for this unforgettable romantic date...

Date / 日期:September 15, 2024
Time / 時間:07:30 pm
無錫 無錫市 | 無錫體育中心體育館
Address / 地址:無錫市 | 無錫體育中心體育館
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